[Comm] [JT] [AlexanderS на ati.com: [Dri-devel] New ATI FireGL drivers announced]

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Чт Ноя 21 19:28:58 MSK 2002

 Konstantin Lepikhov <lakostis на pisem.net>:

> Hi!
> тут народ вроде интересовался драйверами для 
> ----- Forwarded message from Alexander Stohr 
<AlexanderS на ati.com> -----
> Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:33:47 +0100
> From: Alexander Stohr <AlexanderS на ati.com>
> To: dri-devel на lists.sourceforge.net, dri-
users на lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Dri-devel] New ATI FireGL drivers announced
> X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
> Hello,
> i know that DRI is targeting open source development,
> but i know myselves that for a developer there can
> always be a need for a 2nd source driver reference.
> There are several other reasons why an alternate
> Linux driver might be of interest for the audience.
> So please excuse me for posting this information to 
your lists.
> So this passed the news wires today:
> ATI drives graphics performance for Linux users with 
new unified driver
> The drivers can now be downloaded for free at 
> (see e.g. Linux & FireGL 8800). 
> The drivers should run on Linux/x86 with glibc 2.2,
> some common kernel modules do come precompiled and 
> a build environment for gcc2.96 and gcc3.2 is 
> thus making that drivers compatible with 
> e.g. RedHat(R) Linux(R)/x86 8.0 or 7.3  versions.
> Supported cards should be (list might not be 
> - ATI Radeon 8500 {/DV/LE}, 9000 {/PRO}, 9500 
{/PRO}, 9700 {/PRO} -> "Built
> by ATI"
> - ATI FireGL 8700, 8800, E1, X1, Z1/X1-128MB (just 
announced for retail),
> Mobility
> I installed that drivers and tested them a tiny 
little bit.
> Simple applications like glxgears do perform very 
well and 
> they are working quite nice for ut2003_demo (S3TC!), 
Maya and Houdini.
> My impression is that things like Quake, Chromium or 
Blender should work.
> I just had a few minutes of a one-man tournament 
session this noon.
> I tried XVideo support and it showed that the CPU 
usage of TOP
> was higher than that of the video player 
application. Features
> that you will on FireGL boards are Overlays and 
PBuffer rendering 
> support.
> Please excuse me again, i furthert want to give a 
few of the end
> users an alternative to the dri drivers, which are 
often only
> really useable if you do have downloaded som 60 MB 
of CVS sources
> and built whole XF86 with a not totally trivial 
> Let me express that i do _not_ object to any of the 
DRI-Devel works.
> DRI did great job and it resolves for situations 
where ATI
> cant provide solutions as of today and possibly long 
> Just saying embedded Radeon chipsets, ATI chipsets 
on BSD,
> old ATI chipsets prior to the R200 and further any 
sort of
> experimental and custom extensions to the DRI open 
> drivers.
> Let's hope, no one does mind this mailing.
> -Alex.
> PS: not speaking for my employer, just documenting 
things that
>     are already publicly availabel.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 
> WBR, Konstantin	      chat with ==>ICQ: 
>      Lepikhov,	      speak  to ==>JID: 
lakostis на jabber.org
> aka L.A. Kostis       write  to 
==>mailto:lakostis на pisem.net.nospam
> ...The information is like the bank... 	
		  (c) EC8OR
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