[mdk-re] Fwd: Re: copying question

Serge Skorokhodov =?iso-8859-1?q?suralis-s_=CE=C1_mtu-net=2Eru?=
Вт Мар 26 23:41:01 MSK 2002


Итак, пришло официальное разрешение на включение переводов с
Russian Linux Gazette в дистрибутив ALT.

От всех переводчиков, активно работающих в течении последних
шести месяцев тоже пришли разрешения. Я не думаю, что отсутствие
ответа от тех, кто был вынужден отойти от проекта, могут служить
препятсвием -- они знали, во что ввязываются:)

This is a forwarded message
From: Linux Gazette <gazette на ssc.com>
To: Serge Skorokhodov <suralis на mailru.com>
Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2002, 11:09:04 PM
Subject: copying question

===8<==============Original message text===============
On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 05:41:24PM +0300, Serge Skorokhodov wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> My name's Serge and I'm now the coordinator of Russian
> translation site of Linux Gazette at http://gazette.linux.ru.net
> (I took it over from Pavel Stupin).
> A Linux distribution vendor in Russia (ALT Linux,
> www.altlinux.ru, they actually provide the hosting for the
> mirror) asked if it's possible to include the
> translations from our site into their new distribution as
> supplementary information resourse. I've read copying license and
> it doesn't seem to object such a 'fair use' as soon all (C) are
> in place. Am I right? Is it OK to include the translations into
> a distro?

Yes.  But if you are including other translations too, I would get
the blessing of each translation coordinator.

Linux Gazette has been a part of the Debian distribution for years,
and may be in other distributions too.

Mike Orr, Editor, Linux Gazette    SSC: publishers of Linux Journal
gazette на ssc.com                     http://www.linuxjournal.com/

===8<===========End of original message text===========

Best regards,
 Serge Skorokhodov                            mailto:suralis-s на mtu-net.ru

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