[mdk-re] [JT] мультимедиа-клавиатура -- кто спрашивал?
Вт Мар 12 11:47:16 MSK 2002
On 12 March 2002 11:12, you wrote:
> Здравствуйте.
> Вот, на глаза попалось:
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/lineak/
> About: Linux support for Easy Access and Internet Keyboards
> features X11 support, window manager independence, ability to
> configure all keys (via GUI & .conf file), volume control, and
> sound controls.
> Changes: This release adds support for the the Compaq Easy Access
> Keyboard (8 keys), the Compaq Internet Keyboard (13 keys), the
> Logitech Cordless Desktop Pro, the Logitech Internet Keyboard,
> the Logitech Deluxe Access Keyboard, the Cherry Blue Line
> CyBo на rd, and the SVEN Ergonomic 2500. Microsoft Internet Keyboard
> support has been updated. Some code changes have been made.
Уже собрал пакеты, добавив поддержку своей Chicony KB-9885 (17 доп. клавиш).
Работает, однако.
Yuri N. Sedunov
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