[mdk-re] Re: [JT] [devel] [chrisv на web4inc.com: Interesting Xft-Hack]
Michael Shigorin
Чт Мар 7 14:20:07 MSK 2002
On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 12:35:29PM +0300, Sir Raorn wrote:
> David Chester has hacked through the Xft library and he achieved an
> incredibly good quality on antialias rendering under XFree86. With
...оторвав fretype hinting...
> this "hack", at last, XFree can deliver similar aesthetic results
> with the MacOSX or Windows rendering engines.
> Check the two screenshots "before" and "after" at his page.
В общем, мужик бы лучше над хинтером поработал :( Не в обиду ему
будь сказано...
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ http://visa.chem.univ.kiev.ua/~mike/
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