[mdk-re] Teminal emulation
Ср Янв 9 21:05:28 MSK 2002
On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 18:31:54 +0200
Michael Shigorin <mike на lic145.kiev.ua> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 06:31:03PM +0300, AVL wrote:
> > к нему в отдельном пакете идут zmodem
> Добавлю -- пакет зовется lrzsz. Малоинтуитивно :))
[avl на avl avl]$ sudo apt-cache search minicom
minicom - A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program.
lrzsz - Programs for communicating over Z-, Y- & X-modem protocols.
[avl на avl avl]$ sudo apt-cache search zmodem
perl-String-CRC32 - String-CRC32 - perl module to generate checksums from strings and from files.
lrzsz - Programs for communicating over Z-, Y- & X-modem protocols.
[avl на avl avl]$ sudo apt-cache search xmodem
lrzsz - Programs for communicating over Z-, Y- & X-modem protocols.
[avl на avl avl]$ sudo apt-cache search ymodem
lrzsz - Programs for communicating over Z-, Y- & X-modem protocols.
[avl на avl avl]$ sudo apt-cache search modem
...15 строчек
minicom - A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program.
...1 строчка
lrzsz - Programs for communicating over Z-, Y- & X-modem protocols.
4 ... строчки
по моему норма.
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