[Comm-en] new member asks for some help

oui at mailoo.org oui at mailoo.org
Sun Dec 15 01:37:16 MSK 2024

I am new here and did download the i586 version for kde5 to install it.
I come from Debian and Debian derivates and absolutely not know distros based on rpm's (absolutely nothing!).
I try to change because I will help owners of i586's don't to be isolate as Debian and other try to kill the i586's generations: They are probably billion's of old PC's and laptops in use permitting not more than that and poor or economically arm people will probably become a lot more arm if this happens... And I have not only one but a lot of PC's in use with very different equipements (if I renounce to use i586 software, I must renounce to use some of my PC's).
I did also download regular-gnustep-sysv-20240103-i586.iso.
I prefer KDE5 and KDE5 app's (calligra, kde-connect, krita, kdenlive, rosegarden, mercartor, kwave). But I also love viewnior, mTpaint, jwm (only from time to time), didiwiki (it is the most efficient micro text processor, work else in non graphic mode in the commando line browsers like links etc.), osmo, mhtwaveedit, the classic stuff of Puppy linux (Barry Kauler, the creator of Puppy did about in year 2000 design an own graphic processor, eve, later eveweb, for Windows and is expert in good graphic stuff), plus, over that, grun, xpce4-appfinder, thunar, mplayer, xsane, gocr, gimagereader, xvidcap, swi-prolog for me and nted, scratch2, and ucblogo for children and youngs. And I read and write in all writing mode (Tamil, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Greek) using the map US INTL and https://input.king or directly using the right keyboard design (I have a real Korean Keyboard). Necessary are the fonts and good browser able to show that (my lovely browser were traditionally Seamonkey but in the last times it don't work any more good on some important sites like ebay, or KDE-forum. Konqueror and Falcon themselfs don't work at KDE-forum, it is really astonish...)!
I am not certain I can find all that stuff in all distributions.
For this reason, I have questions:
 how to
- update ALT
- search packages
- look which dependencies are MUST in ALT
- install package
- remove packages and, if possible, the dependencies not used by other app's
 is a way available to install some *.deb's in ALT or some stuff from beyond linux from scratch?
I thank you for all help I will become!
Kind regards

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