[Comm-en] p10-lxde-20230910-x86_64 kernel panic: sync error

TheGrove admin at thegrove.in.nf
Tue Dec 19 08:06:50 MSK 2023

On 12/18/23 10:49 PM, Michael Shigorin wrote:
> Artyom says it passed with flying colours on his EeePC
> with actually two gigs of RAM; welcome!
This is great news!  I will download and give it a try in the morning 
(my time ;) ).
> The place is right but looks like the regression came unnoticed
> in betas that get published a week before the release; older
> builds might be available through http://torrent.altlinux.org
> (really depends on someone having had downloaded those *and*
> still sharing).
> I've only got 20221209 set in my downloads, can ask Artyom to
> give it a run first not to bother archiving a degraded build:
> http://torrent.altlinux.org/gettorrent.php?info_hash=a128de5af165bc8606a9f992cca6b607493f188c
I actually found my downloaded copy from 20230610!  A copy was left on a 
partition that I totally forgot about until just a few moments ago.  So, 
for posterity purposes, if you ever want a copy of it, let me know and 
I'll upload it somewhere on my next bandwidth "rotation", when my limits 
get reset.
> But overall, it's about fixing our stuff where it depends on us,
> and that's what has been done -- so hopefully there will be
> better images next March, and we can go on experimenting
> with the slim ones until then (so beta time doesn't catch
> us all off guard).
Sounds good!  I can certainly make due with what I have and what you've 
done so far to help!
> Having a known good copy shelved is a good habit, and we can use
> http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/distributions/archive/p10/index/src/
> and mkimage-profiles.git to make a build "like it was back then"
> but the effort to reproduce that one might be better off being
> put into just fixing the current ones.
Like I mentioned above, if you would like a copy of the iso I have, I'd 
be glad to upload somewhere for you.

Thanks so much for all of your help!

~~ TheGrove Publishing Services ~~
~~ https://www.thegrove.in.nf ~~

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