[castle] rsbac theory

Stanislav Ievlev inger на altlinux.ru
Ср Июн 13 13:23:09 MSD 2001

Как я понял требуется информация?

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Жду Ваших комментариев после просмотра.
Станислав Иевлев.

Pavel Epifanov wrote:

>Sorry for English (no right keyboard available :). Please answer to list in
>Dear Stanislav,
>I have read Castle Linux advertisements on ALTLinux as I am going to try it.
>According to your papers it looks very promising to use RSBAC but I could
>expect some problems with it as well ("no single perfect or absolute solution
>is possible"). 
>Could you save my time and tell what the downside of ALTLinux approach with
>RSBAC is? Could it be a case that more complex product (RSBAC) will give a less
>real protection for most users if compared with more simple ones (OpenWall,
>Pavel V. Epifanov.
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