[Backports] backports update notification

Konstantin A. Lepikhov =?iso-8859-1?q?lakostis_=CE=C1_anti-leasure=2Eru?=
Вс Июн 5 12:19:06 MSD 2005


Вот хорошая идея - типа коммунити unsupported, но зато ясно
когда и кто чего нового залил. Нам бы тоже такое для backports не помешало
(благо уже есть что-то похожее с анонсами пакетов в Дедале).

----- Forwarded message from root <root@> -----

Date: Sun,  5 Jun 2005 03:01:12 +0200 (CEST)
From: root <root@>
To: tsl-contrib-discuss@
Subject: Community update: esmart-

Contributor: mortenn (Morten Nilsen)
Package: esmart-
Section: community-2.2

The package will be made available in the specified section during the next
automatic repository refresh.


* Sun Jun 05 2005 Morten Nilsen <morten@>

- Automated update to latest cvs

* Thu Feb 24 2005 Morten Nilsen <morten@>

- Sanitize spec from cvs

To access this package add the following to your /etc/swup/swup.conf:

site {# Community Contrib for 2.2
  name = "community-2.2"
  class = 11
  location = "http://tsldev.trustix.org/community-2.2/$basearch/rdfs/"
  regexp = ".*"


The packages in this repository is maintained by the Trustix User Community.
The packages comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Comodo Group Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the packages,
we only provide the infrastructure to access them.
If you find any of these packages to infridge on any copyright / patent law,
please notify us and we will deal with the problem.

tsl-contrib-discuss mailing list

----- End forwarded message -----

WBR, Konstantin	      chat with ==>ICQ: 109916175
     Lepikhov,	      speak  to ==>JID: lakostis на jabber.org
aka L.A. Kostis       write  to ==>mailto:lakostis на pisem.net.nospam

...The information is like the bank... 			  (c) EC8OR

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