[altlinux-announce-en] Distribution Release: Simply Linux 10.4

Мария Фоканова mari at altlinux.org
Wed Dec 11 16:13:11 MSK 2024


10.4 update of Simply Linux operating system with the Xfce 4.18 desktop 
environment is available.

The build is available for x86_64, AArch64, i586 Platform 10 (p10 Aronia 
branch), based on the 6.1 LTS kernel. The un-def kernel is loaded by 
default; the std-def 5.10 kernel is also available. For AArch64 the 
rpi-un kernel, the std-def kernel is replaced by un-def.

More about the distribution images and updates:

Download the release image:


* NVIDIA R550 Drivers.
* Usrmerge package available out-of-box; necessary when moving to 
Platform 11.

The package database has been updated. Drivers and utilities for 
printers and scanners have been updated.

Improvements and fixes

* It is possible to install from a Live image to LUKS-encrypted partitions.
* File System Check using fsck system utility.

New distribution release is based on Platform 10 stable repository 
branch, no incompatible changes expected when moving to 10.4.

Please find our distributions at:

Maria Fokanova

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