[sisyphus] k3b не работает?
Sergei O. Naumov
vomus на rambler.ru
Пн Июн 29 20:07:07 MSD 2009
Добрый вечер!
А кто может сказать, давно ли поломался k3b?
[serge на yarilo ~]$ /usr/lib/kde4bin/k3b
k3b(10559): ""Backgroundcolor" - conversion from "Window" to QColor failed" "
(wrong format: expected '3' or '4' items, read '1')"
k3b(10559): ""Foregroundcolor" - conversion from "WindowText" to QColor
failed" " (wrong format: expected '3' or '4' items, read '1')"
k3b(10559): ""Backgroundcolor" - conversion from "Window" to QColor failed" "
(wrong format: expected '3' or '4' items, read '1')"
k3b(10559): ""Foregroundcolor" - conversion from "WindowText" to QColor
failed" " (wrong format: expected '3' or '4' items, read '1')"
<unknown program name>(10558)/: Communication problem with "k3b" , it
probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive
a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply,
the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired,
or the network connection was broken." "
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