[Ruby] [ANN] MuraveyWeb -- Ruby CMS (with demo)

Dmitry V. Sabanin sdmitry на lrn.ru
Пн Мар 14 11:42:24 MSK 2005

Hi all,

I'm glad to announce first public release of MuraveyWeb -- Ruby CMS 
built on top of the Ruby On Rails. This is a result of my work for 
more than 4 month and I already use it in production.

# ruby code
alias :MW :MuraveyWeb

Main idea of MuraveyWeb is separation between content management and 
it's views. With MW you can create and manage your content and then 
using MW API and Ruby On Rails you can build views to display it the 
way you like. 

 * Hierarchycal content structure stored in database
 * Supported content types: textile and HTML articles, images, files
    and user-defined key=>value documents.
 * WYSIWYG HTML editor
 * Image transformations: dynamic resizing, thumbnail generation and
    rotate tool
 * API to use all this from Ruby On Rails applications
 * JavaScript powered content browser to manage your documents and
 * Administrator interface works with Gecko browsers(Firefox, Mozilla)
    and MSIE(was tested in 6.0)
 * Simple ACL to restrict actions to the group of users

As I'm not very experienced in this question, I was looking for the 
license that will comfort everyone. For some reason I took MIT. If 
you have problems with it -- tell me.

I've decided to mark this version of MW 0.1.0, to show that I have
many work and features in mind for it. But it's by no means unstable
or alpha-quality.

Note: you can play with content inside the interface, but do so with
care - don't change password for admin user or change mapping's
sensitive data such as symbols. All changes will be reflected in demo

* Administrator interface demo: http://tools.muravey.net
   login: admin
   password: admin

Note: demo application is just a simple example of what can be done,
but it doesn't show full MW capabilities -- I had no time to develop
such an excessive sample right now.

* Application demo: http://demo.muravey.net
* Demo application sources: http://muravey-tools.rubyforge.org
* MW install, setup and API docs: 

Random inline example
This is a view code in action 'news' (Ruby On Rails):

<% @news.iterate do |category, *| %> 
  <% for news in category %>
    <p><b><%= news.title %></b>, in <%= category.name %> 
 <font color="gray"><%= news.render_date %></font></p>
    <p><%= mw :render => :text, :document => news %></p>
    <hr />
  <% end %>
<% end %>

It'd be great if I could release that as a gem, but right now that's 
kinda difficult because Rails has no support for that yet. So here 
are plain old gz's, bz2's and zip's:

There's no need to install anything after you unpacked the source.
Rename directory as you like it and follow instructions in 
doc/mw/index.html or http://tools.muravey.net/docs/index.html

If you want, you can get MW from CVS:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous на rubyforge.org:/var/cvs/muravey-tools login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous на rubyforge.org:/var/cvs/muravey-tools co \

Future plans
* Content-based ACLs
* Search API
* Work-Flow support
* Smart pagination

I'd like to say thank you to Alexander Kellett and Paul Marsh for 
their feedback with usefull comments and questions. Paul Marsh even 
sent me a patch that helped me to upgrade to Rails 0.10. Thanks guys!
I'd like to thank David Heinemeier Hansson for super-productive web 
framework that we all were waiting for.
And also, I want to thank all of you who gave me positive feedback on 
my pre-announcement.

If you have any problems with MW or you have idea how I can improve it 
please contact me, I will be glad to help.
There's #MuraveyWeb IRC channel on irc.freenode.net
And forums on the RubyForge: http://rubyforge.org/forum/?group_id=9

You can report any bugs or misbehaviors here: 

sdmitry -=- Dmitry V. Sabanin

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