[#329652] [test-only] p10 FAILED (try 53) python3-module-trove-classifiers.git=2023.8.7-alt1 ...

Girar awaiter (dutyrok) girar-builder at altlinux.org
Tue Sep 19 17:14:37 MSK 2023


subtask  name                               aarch64  armh    i586  ppc64le  x86_64
  #4420  python3-module-autocommand              44  1:05      24       48      24
  #4540  python3-module-jaraco-env               45     ?      25       48      24
  #4650  python3-module-jaraco.text              39     ?      21       42      21
  #4676  python3-module-pip-run                  54     ?      28        ?      28
  #5660  python3-module-configupdater             ?     ?      25        ?      25
  #5664  python3-module-fastjsonschema            ?     ?      39        ?      37
  #5670  python3-module-validate-pyproject        ?     ?      31        ?      29
  #5701  python3-module-ini2toml                  ?     ?      30        ?      28
  #5712  python3-module-maturin                   ?     ?  failed        ?  failed

2023-Sep-19 14:07:42 :: test-only task #329652 for p10 resumed by dutyrok:
#40 removed
#60 build 2023.8.7-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-trove-classifiers.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:15:31 from sisyphus
#100 removed
#200 removed
#240 removed
#300 removed
#320 removed
#340 removed
#360 removed
#370 removed
#374 removed
#400 removed
#500 removed
#540 build 7.1.0-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-setuptools_scm.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:30:48 from sisyphus
#600 removed
#700 removed
#720 build 1.18.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-hatchling.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:49:04 from sisyphus
#740 build 0.3.0-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-hatch-vcs.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:31:02 from sisyphus
#1000 removed
#1100 removed
#1140 removed
#1150 removed
#1154 removed
#1160 removed
#1170 removed
#1174 build 0.13.1-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:39:14 from sisyphus
#1200 removed
#1240 removed
#1300 removed
#1400 removed
#1500 removed
#1600 removed
#1700 removed
#2000 removed
#2100 removed
#2200 removed
#2300 removed
#2400 removed
#2500 removed
#2540 removed
#2560 removed
#2600 removed
#2700 removed
#3000 removed
#3100 removed
#3200 removed
#3300 removed
#3400 removed
#3500 removed
#3600 removed
#3700 removed
#3740 build 8.2.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco-develop.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:54:42 from sisyphus
#4000 removed
#4040 build 2.4.0-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco.envs.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 09:00:15 from sisyphus
#4100 removed
#4140 build 3.7.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco.path.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 09:06:50 from sisyphus
#4200 removed
#4300 removed
#4340 build 4.3.0-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco.context.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 09:54:36 from sisyphus
#4360 build 3.9.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco.functools.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 10:00:51 from sisyphus
#4370 build 5.3.0-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco.test.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 11:14:39 from sisyphus
#4374 removed
#4400 removed
#4420 build 2.2.2-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-autocommand.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 09:49:27 from sisyphus
#4430 removed
#4440 removed
#4500 removed
#4540 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-jaraco-env.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 13:27:47 from sisyphus
#4600 removed
#4640 removed
#4650 build 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1 from /people/dutyrok/packages/python3-module-jaraco.text.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 13:22:34
#4660 removed
#4670 removed
#4674 removed
#4676 build 8.8.2-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-pip-run.git fetched at 2023-Sep-19 08:59:57
#4700 removed
#5000 removed
#5100 removed
#5200 removed
#5300 removed
#5400 removed
#5500 removed
#5600 removed
#5640 removed
#5650 removed
#5660 build 3.1.1-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-configupdater.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:06:05 from sisyphus
#5664 build 2.18.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-fastjsonschema.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:11:29 from sisyphus
#5670 build 0.13-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-validate-pyproject.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 08:08:48 from sisyphus
#5700 removed
#5701 build 0.12-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-ini2toml.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 07:56:12 from sisyphus
#5702 removed
#5703 removed
#5704 removed
#5706 removed
#5710 removed
#5712 build python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm
#5714 build 0.4-alt2 from /gears/p/python3-module-dirty-equals.git fetched at 2023-Sep-19 10:08:46 from sisyphus
#5716 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-pytest-pretty.git fetched at 2023-Sep-19 12:34:40 from sisyphus
#5720 build 2.6.3-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-pydantic-core.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 07:29:39 from sisyphus
#5740 build 2.3.0-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-pydantic.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 07:29:24 from sisyphus
#6000 build 0.103.1-alt1 from /gears/p/python3-module-fastapi.git fetched at 2023-Sep-18 07:28:03 from sisyphus
2023-Sep-19 14:07:42 :: created build repo
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #4420: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #4540: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #4650: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #4676: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5660: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5664: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5670: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5701: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5714: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #5720: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: #6000: force rebuild
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: [i586] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: [x86_64] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: [aarch64] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: [armh] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:43 :: [ppc64le] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:56 :: [i586] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:07:56 :: [i586] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:07:56 :: [x86_64] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:07:56 :: [x86_64] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:05 :: [i586] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:05 :: [i586] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:06 :: [x86_64] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:06 :: [x86_64] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:11 :: [aarch64] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:11 :: [aarch64] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:14 :: [i586] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:15 :: [i586] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:15 :: [x86_64] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:15 :: [x86_64] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:20 :: [ppc64le] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:21 :: [ppc64le] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:23 :: [armh] #60 python3-module-trove-classifiers.git 2023.8.7-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:24 :: [armh] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:24 :: [i586] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:25 :: [i586] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:25 :: [x86_64] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:26 :: [x86_64] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:32 :: [aarch64] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:32 :: [aarch64] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:34 :: [i586] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:34 :: [i586] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:35 :: [x86_64] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:35 :: [x86_64] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:43 :: [ppc64le] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:43 :: [i586] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:43 :: [ppc64le] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:43 :: [i586] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:45 :: [x86_64] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:45 :: [x86_64] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:51 :: [aarch64] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:52 :: [aarch64] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:53 :: [i586] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:53 :: [i586] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:54 :: [armh] #540 python3-module-setuptools_scm.git 7.1.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:54 :: [armh] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:08:55 :: [x86_64] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:08:55 :: [x86_64] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:02 :: [i586] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:02 :: [i586] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:04 :: [ppc64le] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:04 :: [ppc64le] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:05 :: [x86_64] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:05 :: [x86_64] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:12 :: [i586] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:12 :: [i586] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:12 :: [aarch64] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:12 :: [aarch64] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:15 :: [x86_64] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:15 :: [x86_64] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:21 :: [i586] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:21 :: [i586] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:23 :: [armh] #720 python3-module-hatchling.git 1.18.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:23 :: [armh] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:24 :: [x86_64] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:24 :: [x86_64] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:27 :: [ppc64le] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:27 :: [ppc64le] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:30 :: [i586] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:31 :: [i586] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:32 :: [aarch64] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:32 :: [aarch64] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:34 :: [x86_64] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:34 :: [x86_64] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:49 :: [ppc64le] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:49 :: [ppc64le] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:52 :: [aarch64] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:53 :: [aarch64] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:53 :: [armh] #740 python3-module-hatch-vcs.git 0.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:09:53 :: [armh] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:55 :: [i586] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:09:55 :: [i586] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:09:58 :: [x86_64] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:09:58 :: [x86_64] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:10 :: [ppc64le] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:11 :: [ppc64le] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:13 :: [aarch64] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:13 :: [aarch64] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:20 :: [i586] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:10:20 :: [i586] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:22 :: [x86_64] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:10:22 :: [x86_64] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:23 :: [armh] #1174 python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git 0.13.1-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:23 :: [armh] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:32 :: [ppc64le] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:32 :: [ppc64le] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:33 :: [aarch64] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:33 :: [aarch64] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:41 :: [i586] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:10:42 :: [i586] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:43 :: [x86_64] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:10:43 :: [x86_64] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:53 :: [aarch64] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:53 :: [armh] #3740 python3-module-jaraco-develop.git 8.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:53 :: [aarch64] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:53 :: [armh] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:10:54 :: [ppc64le] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:10:54 :: [ppc64le] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:10 :: [i586] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:11:11 :: [i586] #5660 python3-module-configupdater.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:11 :: [x86_64] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:11:11 :: [x86_64] #5660 python3-module-configupdater.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:13 :: [aarch64] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:13 :: [aarch64] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:15 :: [ppc64le] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:15 :: [ppc64le] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:24 :: [armh] #4040 python3-module-jaraco.envs.git 2.4.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:24 :: [armh] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:33 :: [aarch64] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:34 :: [aarch64] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:36 :: [i586] #5660 python3-module-configupdater.git 3.1.1-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:11:36 :: [x86_64] #5660 python3-module-configupdater.git 3.1.1-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:11:36 :: [i586] #5664 python3-module-fastjsonschema.git 2.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:36 :: [x86_64] #5664 python3-module-fastjsonschema.git 2.18.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:36 :: [ppc64le] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:37 :: [ppc64le] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:54 :: [armh] #4140 python3-module-jaraco.path.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:54 :: [armh] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:11:58 :: [ppc64le] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:11:58 :: [ppc64le] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:13 :: [x86_64] #5664 python3-module-fastjsonschema.git 2.18.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:14 :: [x86_64] #5670 python3-module-validate-pyproject.git 0.13-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:15 :: [i586] #5664 python3-module-fastjsonschema.git 2.18.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:16 :: [i586] #5670 python3-module-validate-pyproject.git 0.13-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:18 :: [aarch64] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:18 :: [aarch64] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:24 :: [armh] #4340 python3-module-jaraco.context.git 4.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:12:24 :: [armh] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:43 :: [x86_64] #5670 python3-module-validate-pyproject.git 0.13-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:44 :: [x86_64] #5701 python3-module-ini2toml.git 0.12-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:46 :: [ppc64le] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:46 :: [ppc64le] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:47 :: [i586] #5670 python3-module-validate-pyproject.git 0.13-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:12:48 :: [i586] #5701 python3-module-ini2toml.git 0.12-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:12:54 :: [armh] #4360 python3-module-jaraco.functools.git 3.9.0-alt1: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:12:54 :: [armh] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:03 :: [aarch64] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:13:03 :: [aarch64] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:12 :: [x86_64] #5701 python3-module-ini2toml.git 0.12-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:13:13 :: [x86_64] #5712 python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:18 :: [i586] #5701 python3-module-ini2toml.git 0.12-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:13:18 :: [i586] #5712 python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:24 :: [armh] #4370 python3-module-jaraco.test.git 5.3.0-alt2: build OK (cached)
2023-Sep-19 14:13:25 :: [armh] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:34 :: [ppc64le] #4540 python3-module-jaraco-env.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:13:35 :: [ppc64le] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build start
2023-Sep-19 14:13:42 :: [aarch64] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:13:42 :: [aarch64] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build start
[x86_64]     from setuptools_rust import RustBin
[x86_64] ImportError: cannot import name 'RustBin' from 'setuptools_rust' (/usr/lib/python3/site-packages/setuptools_rust/__init__.py)
[x86_64] Traceback (most recent call last):
[x86_64] --
[x86_64]     raise RuntimeError(err_msg) from None
[x86_64] RuntimeError: build_wheel failed
2023-Sep-19 14:13:43 :: [x86_64] python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: remote: build failed
2023-Sep-19 14:13:43 :: [x86_64] #5712 python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:13:43 :: [x86_64] requesting cancellation of task processing
[i586]     from setuptools_rust import RustBin
[i586] ImportError: cannot import name 'RustBin' from 'setuptools_rust' (/usr/lib/python3/site-packages/setuptools_rust/__init__.py)
[i586] Traceback (most recent call last):
[i586] --
[i586]     raise RuntimeError(err_msg) from None
[i586] RuntimeError: build_wheel failed
2023-Sep-19 14:13:51 :: [i586] python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: remote: build failed
2023-Sep-19 14:13:51 :: [i586] #5712 python3-module-maturin-0.14.17-alt1.src.rpm: build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:17 :: [ppc64le] #4650 python3-module-jaraco.text.git 3.2.0-alt2.p10.1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:14:18 :: [ppc64le] task processing CANCELLED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:30 :: [armh] #4420 python3-module-autocommand.git 2.2.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:14:31 :: [armh] task processing CANCELLED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:36 :: [aarch64] #4676 python3-module-pip-run.git 8.8.2-alt1: build OK
2023-Sep-19 14:14:36 :: [aarch64] task processing CANCELLED
2023-Sep-19 14:13:43 :: [x86_64] build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:13:51 :: [i586] build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:18 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:31 :: [armh] build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:37 :: [aarch64] build FAILED
2023-Sep-19 14:14:37 :: task #329652 for p10 FAILED

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