1. Please login as "root" 2. insert the disk ex: > mcopy A:upsmon_usbv091.tar /usr (copy to user's preferred directoryˇ^ 3. exract the UPSMON files ex: > tar -xvf upsmon_usbv091.tar 4. enter upsmon directory ex: > cd upsmon 5. copy "down" files to root directory (shut down command) ex: > cp down / 6. execute UPSMON software ==> ./upsmon_usb1 Parameter_A Parameter_B Parameter_C Default parameters Parameter_A : AC_Fail_Countdown time Parameter_B : UPS TurnOFF Delay time Parameter_C : USB Name EX: When the power goes off, UPSMON will count down for 100 seconds. If the power is not back on within 100 seconds, UPS will count down another 120 seconds and then shut down UPS. While first 100 second count down ends, UPSMON program will execute the OS shutdown command. If the power comes back within 100 seconds, the shutdown command will be cancelled.