[Comm-en] Flatpak support

Michael Shigorin mike at altlinux.org
Sun Jan 16 08:58:16 MSK 2022

On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 04:37:16AM +0000, David wrote:
> Do you think this suggestion would work at fixing the bug
> I have with p9 GNUStep's Synaptic?  This is the bug that
> displays the unreadable text I see at the end of the package
> installation process (that I mentioned in my review).

That annoying one is *still* with us :-/
pinged the bug: http://bugzilla.altlinux.org/33912

> Or, is p9 too old to work properly with the Sisyphus
> repositories, without breaking something?

Any stable platform gets upgraded to the unstable one
through all of the intermediate stable platforms
(e.g. p9 -> p10 -> sisyphus until p11 is around),
so the resulting system runs on a single repo;
just turning on sisyphus repos with p9 system
is a sure recipe for disaster (hopefully breaking
just the package installation as most of those
would yell and warn that's going to remove half
of the system).

Hence the advice to check with Regular LiveCDs,
as that's a big part of the reason we build them:
to be able to "peek" before the plunge (if any).

PS: I've checked that flatpak version in sisyphus
and p10 is exactly the same: 1.12.2-alt2.1;
*maybe* p9's 1.6.3 behaved quite differently,
then again you can check that while playin'round
with http://en.altlinux.org/starterkits LiveCDs
(they're built from the same mkimage-profiles
as regular builds but the package base differs
along with the desktop wallpaper, obviously).

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin / http://altlinux.org
  ------ http://opennet.ru / http://anna-news.info

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