[altlinux-announce-en] ALT Server, Workstation, Education 8.2 release

Michael Shigorin mike at altlinux.org
Sat Dec 30 16:01:17 MSK 2017

December 30 2017

BaseALT Ltd announces the release of ALT Server, ALT Workstation and
ALT Education distributions version 8.2, aimed for corporate servers
and desktops, educational and personal use.

Changes in version 8.2:
* critical security fixes in Linux kernel, Samba, OpenSSL and other
  software packages included along with other bugfixes;
* iucode-tool is now used to load updated CPU microcode;
* other improvements.

ALT Server 8.2 changes:
* the link to access System management center printed to console;
* FreeIPA server added.

ALT Workstation 8.2 changes:
* Chromium browser is not installed by default but provided in the image;
* FreeIPA client added.

ALT Education 8.2 changes:
* VNC installation, autoinstall and eMMC install support added;
* net-tools, fdisk, gdisk, parted, partclone disk management utilities
  as well as OpenSSH client have been added to installer;
* trueconf-client version updated;
* wine-vanilla replaced with wine;
* bind and crond services will autostart now.

Product information in Russian:
* https://www.basealt.ru/products/alt-server/
* https://www.basealt.ru/products/alt-workstation/
* https://www.basealt.ru/products/alt-education/

32/64-bit x86 image downloads (see also http://en.altlinux.org/write):
* http://mirror.yandex.ru/altlinux/p8/images/server/
* http://mirror.yandex.ru/altlinux/p8/images/workstation/
* http://mirror.yandex.ru/altlinux/p8/images/education/

Please contact sales at basealt.ru for corporate use.

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin / http://altlinux.org
  ------ http://opennet.ru / http://anna-news.info

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